Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 3: CDPD3.iso
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152 lines
Important stuff first!:
This version of this program is released as share ware. You may
copy it and use it but it cannot be sold as software. You may give it
away or include it in Software Libraries such as Fred Fish, but please
include this ReadMe file so that other users may know where to obtain a
manual and any future updates. The program is compiled from AC/FORTRAN
which is owned by absoft Software, Inc.
The program requires 1 Meg of memory (getting to be the minimum
memory, isn't it?), and one disk drive (you will need a stripped down
boot disk.) You definitely should have a second disk drive or a hard
disk to store a large number of points at the completion of a run.
Optionally, you will need a printer for hard copy output.
There was not room on disk to put a reasonable manual, so a manual
is available by mail from me, D. R. Benson. My address is 1402 Olive
Street, Sanger, CA 93657-3439 U.S.A. For a donation of $10.00 you will
receive a copy of the manual and will be put on the mailing list for
update notices.
For a donation of $25.00 you will receive a manual and the next
update for the program as well as being put on the mailing list for
update notices. For a donation of $50.00 you will receive a manual and
at least the next two updates and be on the mailing list for update
notices. The next update will include alpha point names and several new
commands. The second update will have screen graphics and fully
implemented plotting capabilities. Either update may include more new
capabilities than currently projected.
Since I am not independently wealthy, I can only provide the
manuals by donation. Future updates will be accelerated by donations,
enabling me to spend those resources needed to make updates. One thing
that I would like to do is be available through one of the on-line
networks for assistance in problem solving. Until then I am available
by mail at the address given above.
All rights to future versions of this program are
reserved. No part of this program may be sold or used in any
other program. No part of the documentation may be reproduced
without the written permission of the documentation author,
Don R. Benson. The program, documentation and the compiler
used to create the program is believed to be reliable and
accurate. The author makes no representation of warranties
with respect to the program or documentation and specifically
disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness
for any particular purpose. Further, the author reserves the
right to revise the program and related material and to make
changes therein from time to time without obligation to notify
any user or purchaser of any revisions or changes. In no
event shall the author or absoft Software, Inc. be liable for
any incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages
arising out of the purchaser's or user's use of the program or
documentation material.
CoGo is a function name of problem-oriented computer systems that
enable the user to solve geometric problems related to surveying and
civil engineering. This coordinate geometry, or CoGo, can be used to
solve problems related to highway design, surveying, subdivision layouts
and construction. CoGo may be applied to other problems, similar in
nature to those described above.
CoGo is based on a rectilinear coordinate system where points are
located as being so many feet North and East of a fixed point with the
coordinates of 0.0' N, 0.0' E. Those points may be used to define
locations of control points of rights-of-way, highway alignment, or
other points of known reference. A supplementary system for vertical
profiles is also available. Output is to the monitor, printer, or
plotter, while input is from keyboard or file.
This implementation of CoGo (version 1.0) is tailored to run on
personal computers. Presently, on the Amiga, it only runs under CLI.
But that should be changed on future versions. CoGo1.0 allows storage
of up to 9,999 points and 50 curves. By use of approximately 72
commands, invoked in either long form or short (mnemonic) form,
solutions are generated by the computer. Numerical significance of 16
significant places is available for distances and seconds of angles
(although the later is only practical to 2 significant places.) Unknown
distances, azimuths and angles my be indicated by operators on points
defining those unknowns.
Input may be from keyboard or from stored file. Corresponding
output is on monitor and, optionally, printer. Points are stored on
disk upon completion of each 'job' and may be restored from disk on
subsequent 'jobs.' A 'job' is a complete set of CoGo commands and
related information to solve a definite problem. Multiple 'jobs' may be
executed on one 'run'.
Points are referred to by numbers, noted without decimal point, in
the range from 1 to 9999. Curves are referred to by numbers, divisible
by 10, without decimals, in the range from 10 to 500 (i.e. 50 curves.)
Angles and azimuths are measured in a clockwise direction and are
entered as degree-minute-seconds, separated by spaces. Counterclockwise
directions for angles and azimuths may be indicated with a negative
degree, except when the degree is zero.
Each line of input is started by a command. First on the line is the
command, either in long or short form. Next on the line is the data for
that command. Optionally, a comment can finish the line. The comment
is preceded by a slash (/) which must be separated from the data by at
least one blank.
SCREEN: All output of calculations and point coordinates is displayed
on the screen for user verification and, with input from a file, user
PRINTER: Optional printer output is available at the beginning of a job
or after an END/OF/JOB command during a run. Printed results are in a
similar format to screen output. Printed output is designed for 8 1/2
inch wide paper. (No pagination is implemented at this time.)
PLOTTER: Plotting commands are NOT implemented in this release (1.0).
Accuracy of output is three decimal places for coordinates and distances
and two decimal places for seconds of angles.
Program Set-Up
Copy the COGO drawer to a disk or drawer. In CLI type: CoGo1.0
(case is not important). If you are not in the directory CoGo1.0 is in,
include the path before the name. (If you have problems with any of
these requirements, consult the Amiga Manual, a Amiga-User friend, a
computer club or me for help.)
The program will default file storage and retrieval to the
directory CoGo1.0 is started from unless you include the path name with
the file name when the program asks for the name. If you are totally
unable to get the program running, write to me describing your computer
setup and what you have tried to do.
Good Computing ----
D. R. Benson
1402 Olive Street
Sanger CA 93657-3439 U.S.A.